PRET – Woodworks


This programme strives to offer a thorough grounding in woodworking to those who want to obtain a   qualification in the field of woodwork.


The Bachelor of Technology programme in wood work aims at:

  • Enhancing students’ knowledge and practical skills in the field of woodworks in both the Public and Private Sector businesses and Not-for-Profit organizations.
  • Enhancing students’ ability in managerial, control, and communication skills.
  • Enhancing students’ knowledge and understanding in the realisation of projects and the conception of Municipal and State projects.


Candidates aspiring to under-take training for the award of the Bachelor of Technology in woodwork should be holders of the Higher National Diploma (HND) or BTS in woodwork or any other recognised equivalent certificate like DIPET I.


Fees per academic year three hundred and fifty thousand francs (350 000Fcfa)


Upon completion of the training, graduates can aspire for the following responsibilities and job opportunities in both the Private Sector businesses and Not-for-Profit organizations:

  • Should be able to work in a study office
  • Should be able to conduct construction works
  • Direct and manage construction works in woodwork
  • Should be able to control companies in woodwork furniture
  • contractors


The language of instruction is English

Course Duration

Two (02) Semesters (One year)

Course Requirements: 60 Credits

        Course work: 48 credits

        Internship: 04 credits

        Dissertation: 08 credits