M.Tech – Civil Engineering


The M.Sc programme in Civil Engineering is comprised of two specialties (Building Construction and Woodwork). The woodwork programme aims at promoting the development of wood products, the use of engineering principles in the design of wooden construction, processes and methods that ensure safety and sustainable construction in the Civil Engineering sector. While it is evident that the discipline plays one of the frontline roles in charting the country into a middle income country, training in the sector has experienced limited progress both at the local and national levels. There are limited opportunities for post graduate studies in the discipline with barely diploma programmes in Building Construction and Woodwork in the South West Region. This Masters programme is a response not only to the needs of the construction sector which has an acute shortage of qualified Civil Engineers but also an opportunity for staff training for public and private training institutions that are largely part-time dependent. The creation of the professional Master programme is therefore a necessity both to the university and the state. A graduate shall be offered an M.Sc in


The following laboratory and workshops are available for the programme:

  • Civil Engineering laboratory, GTHS Kumba
  • Wood workshop, GHTS, Kumba
  • Professional Training Centre Mile 4, Limbe
  • Proposed Civil Engineering Laboratories of the department
  • Proposed Wood workshop of the department
  • Maintenance workshop, GTHS Kumba
  • Topography workshop;

The field of civil engineering is booming and offers a diversity of employment. The purpose of the civil engineering professional master training is to provide scientific and technical training at the postgraduate level in the construction industry.
The educational objectives of the program are:

  • The theoretical and methodological strengthening of core science subjects;
  • The development and deepening of knowledge in the construction sector;
  • The initiation original research.


Entry into the program is opened to applicants with an engineering degree, professional bachelor, Bachelor of technology or any other equivalent diploma. It is also opened to holders of DIPET I in Civil Engineering and Woodwork.


Fees per academic year six hundred thousand francs (600 000Fcfa)


  • 2 years for Bachelor Degree Students
  • 1 year for DIPET II students


This course will prepare graduate students for a career in:

– Construction supervision activities;

– Consultancy firms in the sectors of building and public works.

Graduated students will work or practice in the areas of design and realisation of works. They will design, estimate, realize and rehabilitate buildings, roads, structures and all other building and civil engineering works. The range of opportunities, both at national and regional level is broad and diverse: as proof, training is frequently asked by companies for either internship or job opportunities. The most common functions are:

  • Field or site engineer;
  • Technical or construction Manager;
  • Designers;
  • Technical Controller.


  • A Master in Civil Engineering provides an opportunity for holders to apply for direct entry into a professional Doctorate in the same field. It also arms graduates with the capability for the creation of self-employment jobs. They can work in small and medium size enterprises as specialist conducting works or serve as consultants. They can also work in enterprises as higher qualified technicians. They can assist engineers and other frameworks in their task.
  • Industrial specialists can be Supervisors of production work, tooling and quality controlling the engineering industry.
  • Commercial specialties can manage market trends, competition, international trade, sustainable development and eco-design, regulation and legislation to the attention of users….


  • The training to be offered by technological institutions in the coming years is designed to meet the priority needs of sub-sectors of the domestic industry, which are:
  • – Microfinance sectors;
  • – Food management;
  • – Telecommunication;
  • – The booming oil sector is requesting 200 skilled personnel for the following trades: Electrical engineering, chemical geniuses, mechanical engineering and construction, maintenance, engineering transportation construction.
  • – The gas sector, also is requesting 200 skilled workers in the following trades: Electrical engineering, chemical geniuses, mechanical engineering and construction, maintenance, transportation engineering, civil engineering.
  • – The Mining Sector, rich with bauxite, alumina, nickel and cobalt need 5000 qualified personnel applicant in the following trades of Electrical engineering, chemical geniuses, mechanical engineering and construction, maintenance, engineering transport, engineering, process engineering.
  • – The port Sector with the development of the Douala channel, the construction of the deep sea port in Kribi, Grand Batanga and the construction of oil rigs as well as the completion of the Limbe Ship Yard require thousands of skilled labour in civil engineering, maintenance, transportation engineering etc.

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